Friday, 30 December 2011

RBS Volunteer Day 9th November 2011

The biggest stag loggery known to man

RBS/BTCV Command Centre

Building Dead Hedges and Clearing Bramble (a big and thankless task, so thank you)

Simon from the BTCV (British Trust Conservation Volunteers) came to me in the summer and asked if we could use some help in the form of Bankers in the Wilderness. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth I spoke to the Head and we said yes! There was so much to do but really a concerted effort was needed and the volunteer day came at just the right time.

Our community RBS volunteers came from as far as Leeds and drove down for the day for the team building exercise in our Wilderness.
They did a grand job and cleared, created and worked as teams. Sometimes a little too hard but the Wilderness needed a good clearout and that is what it got.
The dead hedges are crafted and not just throw together and the stag loggery is like nothing I have ever seen before. The scale is immense!

Well done you volunteers and I hope you enjoyed your day with us and please do come back again.

New TreeBogs

Tree bogs - Construction Phase

Tree Bogs - Completed

Tree Bogs - Shiplap Detail

Hello All
It had been a busy time for the Wilderness but a quiet time for the Blog.. I forgot to keep abreast with the updates.

We have toilets!! They are beautiful!! I know it is sad and a little bit weird to make such a fuss over toilets but they are Douglas Fir beauties. And once they have their coat of osier willow around them they will be camouflaged from all and create a source of willow withies for classes/for the school/for anyone who is interested.

I did have a moment of doubt once I looked at the toilets and decided with Kenn that we would have to insert a smaller loo seat for the children as it would be safer.... my imagination ran wild and I couldn't sleep. This seat will be installed soon.

Now that the toilets are in we can open up the Wilderness to so many more parts of the community and also host new events here. This was a huge and important part of the redevelopment of the use of the Wilderness and I am very excited about the future.

Here are the finished loos. And the kids love them!!