Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Newts Moving Day

Kids and Newts

So today was a bit of a rush. Yesterday we had the idea that children from the school should be involved in the newts move and then we thought that maybe the local press would be interested.
So of course, this then had to be co-ordinated and somehow it worked!

all of the above came along at the same time. The kids, newts, toads and journalist from the Richmond and Twickenham Times all were together. The kids had a great time looking at the wildlife and we adults (thank you Lindsay for helping and holding and catching newts) remembered why we were involved in the hours and hours of work that it has taken to get even to this stage.

So the pond has been drained, the newts and toads have been moved to their temporary accomodation. Marking out should happen tomorrow with diggers on site Friday/Mon to contour the pond.

All in all a very successful if hectic day.


  1. Hi Humaira

    Simon and I have identified one of the woodland plants we found on the bluebell patch as Enchanter's Nightshade (Circaea lutetiana)named after the greek mythical sorceress Circe, the anglo saxons called the plant aelfthone which they used as a protection against spell cast by elves!! Flowers June-August so on its way out at this time of year. not edible as far as I know
    Anna - BTCV

  2. Thanks so much for your help on idents, Anna. What a great story, you will have to come down and do a session with the kids and tell them the background of a few of the native plants in the wilderness?
