Thursday, 17 March 2011

Pond Planting and Volunteers!

Jake setting his teeny newts free!
Children from Rainforest Class
Bats Class throwing oxygenators into the pond

Hello to all my 5 regular readers!
So the pond has been planted up with the below:


Butomus umbellatus x 20

Caltha palustris x 20

Iris pseudoacorus x 30

Myriophyllum spicatum x 25

Potomogeton crispa x 25

Veronica beccabunga x 20

Myosotis scirpiodes x 20

Aponogeton distachyos x 6

Callitriche palustris x 25

Ceratophyllum demersum x 25

These took some getting. We had a few false starts trying to get these as there were some miscommunications to do with invoicing for them.
Anyway eventually they were all paid for and delivered ready for our next big volunteer day on the 3rd of March. However the volunteers did not come! Oh NO I hear you say!!

I think it was too close to half term and people had just forgotten. But the plants were there and the water was cold so I called in my lovely husband to come and help me (and get in the water whilst I directed from the dry and warmer side)
The children came in to help us by throwing in/delicately planting the oxygenators into the pond (as you can see above).

Jake came into school with a tub of baby smooth newts that had been found and needed rehousing and he let them swim off into the Wilderness pond. He was brilliant at this and let them jump off his hands into the water.

It was a very successful day and much was achieved. Please put the next planting day, Wednesday March 23rd, in your diary!

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